Monday, July 21, 2014

Where does SQL Server 2012 License Key gets stored?

Many of my folks had a question about MicroSoft SQL Server License Key.

SQL Server license key can be found at the below location the registries. 

launch REGEDIT(Registry Editor) from the command prompt type: regedit

Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Setup DIGITALPRODUCT ID

Connecting to the Integration Services service on the computer "SERVER_NAME" failed with the following error: "Access is denied."

TITLE: Connect to Server
Connecting to the Integration Services service on the computer "SERVER_NAME" failed with the following error: "Access is denied."
By default, only administrators have access to the Integration Services service. On Windows Vista and later, the process must be running with administrative privileges in order to connect to the Integration Services service. See the help topic for information on how to configure access to the service.
Connecting to the Integration Services service on the computer "SERVER_NAME" failed with the following error: "Access is denied."
By default, only administrators have access to the Integration Services service. On Windows Vista and later, the process must be running with administrative privileges in order to connect to the Integration Services service. See the help topic for information on how to configure access to the service.

This error occurred when I upgraded SQL Server 2008R2 to SQL Server 2012.
Everything was working until then, then I realized going back to old school its permission error, after integration services installed as an administrator needs to grant access to the users and groups who were in earlier version of SQL Server 2008R2, 2005 including me who actually installed\upgraded to sql 2012.

Here is the fix that I used it works after I granted access to the users or groups as below to DCOM.
First launch Component services.
from Search type component or from command prompt  type Dcomcnfg.exe and hit enter.
And from the below figure expand DCOM Config, to the
MicroSoft SQL Server Integration Services 11.0
1) Right click and select Properties.
2) Select Security Tab
3) On Launch and Activation Permissions select Edit.
4) now Add the member or groups that needs access to Integration Services.
and Finally Restart your Integration Services and Restart SSMS.
